GeneQuant 1300 This item will be sent through the Global Shipping Programme and includes international geequant The GeneQuant comes with predefined methods for nucleic acid prufications, cell culture density measurements, CyDye and protein assays Our descriptions and photos represent genequuant best effort to any information about a productSpectrophotometers, GeneQuant™ 1300 Spectrophotometers and Spectrometers Biophotometers The GeneQuant 1300 spectrophotometer is preprogrammed with methods for nucleic acid purification, bacterial cell cultures, protein assays, Cy™Dye and cell culture density measurement Other dyes into purified microarray hybridisation probes and PCR productsFind GE2113 MSDS, related peerreviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at SigmaAldrich 2 Genequant 1300